Our workplaces are opening back up and in-person meetings are following suit.
Presenting in real life will likely feel strange at first. Even those who thrive on in-person meetings are finding that “normal does not quite feel like normal.”
After delivering their first presentations in real life, some of our clients felt overwhelmed and exhausted. They hadn’t prepared … and it showed.
Here are 5 easy tips to help you become real life ready:
- Practice. Use your old friend Zoom to record a practice run of your presentation. Watch the recording and course correct as needed. Then make your first audience a friendly one. Assemble a few family members or friends and ask for feedback about how you appear and sound while presenting.
- Do less. In the excitement of returning to in-person presenting, the tendency is to deliver too much content. Audiences disconnect when overloaded. Leave them wanting more.
- Be mindful of your vocal pacing. In your enthusiasm to present in front of an in-person audience, you may find yourself speaking warp speed fast. If this happens, simply pause, take a breath while glancing up or down, then restart at a slower pace.
- Avoid awkward moments by deciding in advance how you are going to relate to others before and after the presentation. For example, will you shake hands, bump elbows, or just nod?
- Understand the audience is making an adjustment, too. Acknowledge the elephant in the room. One idea is to open with a quip: ask everyone to mute themselves and turn their video cameras on. Then smile.
Bonus tip:
After 14 months of virtual presenting, make certain you pay attention to what you wear below the waist!
Client Raves:
“Transformational. A professional breakthrough.”
“Fantastic!! Ultimately a straight route to improve my impact and influence.”
“As much a Leadership Development experience as a Public Speaking course.”
“Thank you for pushing me to tap into “tools” I didn’t know I had.”
“Definitely the best program I’ve ever attended.”
Hall of Fame speaker Alan Parisse has been coaching presenters and delivering keynotes for over 25 years. Named “One of the Top 21 Speakers for the 21st Century” by Successful Meetings Magazine, he is a keynote speaker for a wide variety of industries and organizations. Alan is a passionate presentation coach to executives, financial advisors, sports stars and sales presenters.
Lisa Casden has been coaching presenters for 10 years. A former professional figure skater, coach and choreographer, Lisa leverages her unique background and point of view to help speakers organize their physicality in ways that best support their message.