Deep sustainable relationships that endure the dramatic changes of our global economy should be the goal of every leader, manager, and advisor.

Alan delivers powerful insights and practical messages about how to achieve a competitive edge by advancing client relationships, rethinking referrals and attracting new clients. Audiences leave with ideas and tools that can immediately be put to work.

In this presentation, Alan reveals the essential building blocks needed to deepen client relationships and why they matter:

  1. Dimensions of Trust
  2. Planned Interactions: Context, Text & Subtext
  3. Listen to Learn vs. Listen to Respond
  4. Angle-based Listening vs. Angle-less Listening
  5. Future Pull

Have questions? Want more information?

Phone 303.939.9393

Why Choose Alan Parisse? Leading corporations book Hall of Fame Speaker Alan Parisse when they need a highly engaging keynote speaker with insights and content specifically aligned with their business direction. Alan’s extensive business experience and professional achievements inform thought-provoking, memorable messages that inspire action.